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Hello! Im reycor actualy im the N° 9 of the server with MRR and N° 2 MG//DM .
NOTE: Im a STR MG so my opinion should not affect to ENE MG
Im making this Post because i will like to know your opinion about the MG on the server and my thoughts on him.
Being the server in the season 8 there is no an "assasing" class as slayer or grow lancer but we have the RF and the MG classes thas have 1 armor part less than other (MG helmet and RF gloves) that means less armor or defense instead other classes. Having this on mind we should think that both classes should make a lot of dmg rigth? but... TBH both classes are kinda Meh.... because the pvp on the server It is beneficial for classes that can combo quickly like mage and dark night
What this mean? that classes that cannot combo fast in PvP they will be kinda weak as other classes.
But that mean in general things i want to focus in MG and his lack of damage and utility has other classes.
Why you should play MG?
In my personal opinion why would you play MG if you have other classes that can make the same dmg or more and giving you utility like buff, deffense , crit rate etc (as DK, gives you more HP, RF gives you defense rate and more HP , ETC)
For me in personal rank list of the server would be like this
-- 1° DW (good dmg, very tanky with his soul barrier, can combo super fast)
-- 2° DK (Very tanky, HP buff very important, good DMG with full stats)
-- 3° DL (tankiest class, Crit rate and dmg buff )
-- 4° ELF (not good DPS , but buff are gives you are SUPER important)
-- 5° RF (actually the RF has a decent DMG in my personal opinion but im not sure, HP and Defense rate Buff)
-- 6° SUMMONER ( i cant say something about the summ because i just have 1 with low RR but i feel kinda weak against other classes in DMG, summ should be one of the char with most DMG, Refleck buff , reduce defense and attack debuff, blind debuff)
-- 7° MG (weak DMG , has some skill bug (ill explain latter) , No buff or utility (Only the fire slash but i think is not enoght for the pvp, Very good to clean PVM)
Bugs or things that should change//fix on the MG
1. Power Slash : In my personal opinion this skill has the range bug (im not sure about this because sometime i can hit with more range than other times). --- if the enemy is literaly in front of you the skill cannot hit the mob (this is sometimes).
2. Twisting Slash : This skill doesnt has elemental attributte ( i have 1 BK and my BK his twisting slash has wind atributte).
3. Fire Slash : This skill is the most bug skill of the MG, 1, if you have more than 29k agility the skill just doesnt work, 2. if other skill are on your screen or just were you are (like twistind slash, ice storm, and i think the bird attack of the DL) this skill just doesnt show (it does the dmg but if the game doesnt recognize it you cant make combo with this skill, and thats a big problem for the PVP because you are lossing one of the best skill of the MG). The defense reduce i think is not enought to be good has a debuff as other debuff like summoner defense debuff.
4. Flame Strike : This skill is just feel weak for PvP because you have other skill better than this one and you cant combo with it.
5. Skill Damage ( with the ENG stat) : mI have tested other charr that use Skill damage with the ENG stat and the MG is the only one that has the skill dmg capped to 200% even with full ENG stat you skill dmg is 200%, as other classes as like DK that if you have 1000 pts in ENG your skill dmg is 300%
My MG :
I dont know if you have this capped on purpose for Balance or not.
This is my personal Opinion about the MG , i will like to see your comment about this or other class if you think that should be change something ^^ have a good day!! to all!!
NOTE: Im a STR MG so my opinion should not affect to ENE MG
Im making this Post because i will like to know your opinion about the MG on the server and my thoughts on him.
Being the server in the season 8 there is no an "assasing" class as slayer or grow lancer but we have the RF and the MG classes thas have 1 armor part less than other (MG helmet and RF gloves) that means less armor or defense instead other classes. Having this on mind we should think that both classes should make a lot of dmg rigth? but... TBH both classes are kinda Meh.... because the pvp on the server It is beneficial for classes that can combo quickly like mage and dark night
What this mean? that classes that cannot combo fast in PvP they will be kinda weak as other classes.
But that mean in general things i want to focus in MG and his lack of damage and utility has other classes.
Why you should play MG?
In my personal opinion why would you play MG if you have other classes that can make the same dmg or more and giving you utility like buff, deffense , crit rate etc (as DK, gives you more HP, RF gives you defense rate and more HP , ETC)
For me in personal rank list of the server would be like this
-- 1° DW (good dmg, very tanky with his soul barrier, can combo super fast)
-- 2° DK (Very tanky, HP buff very important, good DMG with full stats)
-- 3° DL (tankiest class, Crit rate and dmg buff )
-- 4° ELF (not good DPS , but buff are gives you are SUPER important)
-- 5° RF (actually the RF has a decent DMG in my personal opinion but im not sure, HP and Defense rate Buff)
-- 6° SUMMONER ( i cant say something about the summ because i just have 1 with low RR but i feel kinda weak against other classes in DMG, summ should be one of the char with most DMG, Refleck buff , reduce defense and attack debuff, blind debuff)
-- 7° MG (weak DMG , has some skill bug (ill explain latter) , No buff or utility (Only the fire slash but i think is not enoght for the pvp, Very good to clean PVM)
Bugs or things that should change//fix on the MG
1. Power Slash : In my personal opinion this skill has the range bug (im not sure about this because sometime i can hit with more range than other times). --- if the enemy is literaly in front of you the skill cannot hit the mob (this is sometimes).
2. Twisting Slash : This skill doesnt has elemental attributte ( i have 1 BK and my BK his twisting slash has wind atributte).
3. Fire Slash : This skill is the most bug skill of the MG, 1, if you have more than 29k agility the skill just doesnt work, 2. if other skill are on your screen or just were you are (like twistind slash, ice storm, and i think the bird attack of the DL) this skill just doesnt show (it does the dmg but if the game doesnt recognize it you cant make combo with this skill, and thats a big problem for the PVP because you are lossing one of the best skill of the MG). The defense reduce i think is not enought to be good has a debuff as other debuff like summoner defense debuff.
4. Flame Strike : This skill is just feel weak for PvP because you have other skill better than this one and you cant combo with it.
5. Skill Damage ( with the ENG stat) : mI have tested other charr that use Skill damage with the ENG stat and the MG is the only one that has the skill dmg capped to 200% even with full ENG stat you skill dmg is 200%, as other classes as like DK that if you have 1000 pts in ENG your skill dmg is 300%

My MG :

I dont know if you have this capped on purpose for Balance or not.
This is my personal Opinion about the MG , i will like to see your comment about this or other class if you think that should be change something ^^ have a good day!! to all!!
