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Guide Game Commands

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Feb 3, 2023
Reaction score
Infinity Coins


/attackAuto attack. usage: /attack 1 (You need to bind your preferred skill to 1, usually Twisting Slash, Evil Spirit or other)
/re autoAutomatically accept requests from other players. Useful for Auto Party accept.
/pickEnable Auto pick up function, usage: /pick zen, /pick chaos, /pick bless, /pick soul, /pick life
/infoUsage: /info CharacterName - Shows Character Level, Reset and Account Level.
/whisper [on/off]Enable / disable whisper.
/clearpkClears your character PK / killer status.
/post [message]Sends a global message in-game for everyone to see.
/resetReset your character.
/mresetMaster Reset (Grand reset).
/readdRe-Add Character Stats.
/remasterReset Master Skill Tree
/clearinvClear your inventory (excluding equipment).
/addstr [points]Adds points to Strength.
/addagi [points]Adds points to Agility.
/addvit [points]Adds points to Life.
/addene [points]Adds points to Energy.
/addcmd [points]Adds points to Command.
/requests [on/off]Enable / disable requests in-game.
/ware 0-2Normal accounts have up to 3 vaults so you can switch between vaults with /ware 0 , /ware 1 and /ware 2 or use the arrows in the warehouse window to switch between warehouses easily with clicks (without entering commands).
/pvp1 - Devias 222 73 Level: 20
/pvp2 - Devias 173 41 Level: 20
/pvp3 - Devias 204 148 Level: 20
/pvp4 - Raklion 212 204 Level: 280
/arena1 - Arena 38 26 Level: 50
/arena2 - Arena 189 126 Level: 50
/arena3 - Arena 232 124 Level: 50
/arena4 - Arena 238 59 Level: 50
/arena5 - Arena 91 109 Level: 50
/church - Devias 211 27 Level: 20
/bar - Lorencia 124 132 Level: 1
/gvault - Moves you to Guild Vault - Lorencia 146 143 Level: 1
Guild vault usage: Battle Masters, Assistant Guild Master and Guild Master allowed to move in and out items from guild vault.
Move if you are PK: Yes.
Move commands for all players (VIP & Non-VIP)
(VIP) /vaultOpen warehouse in any location.
(VIP) /ware 0-10Change warehouse / Usage of Extra Warehouse System.
(VIP) /changename [current name] [new name]WCoins: 1,000. Change your character name in-game. Max usage: 3 Allowed Symbols: a-zA-Z0-9_@*$[]()-.!#
(VIP) /class [type]WCoins: 1,500. Change your character class in-game. Types: dw,dk,elf,dl,mg,sum,rf (Example usage: /class mg)
(VIP) /spot1High Exp Spot Nixie [Level: 270]
(VIP) /spot2High Exp Spot Nixie [Level: 270]
(VIP) /spot3Hot Spot Atlans (for zen and master exp) in Abyss [Level: 400]
(VIP) /spot4Hot Multi Spot (for zen and master exp) in Grey Aida [Level: 400]
(VIP) /spot5Evomon Event Invasion Spot in Tarkan [Level: 140]
(VIP) /spot6Kalima 7 Kundun Boss Spot [Level: 350]
/quiz [answer]Answer in Quiz Event and earn wCoins & Goblin Points.
/offstoreOpen Custom Store (Offline) and stay online with items for sell while your client is closed. Requires setup of personal store first.
/offattackStart Custom Attack Offline (Exp decreased to 15x for VIP accounts and 10x for Normal accounts) Requires setup for /attack 1 command)
/attack 1 2/attack <skill> <buff> (Start Custom Auto Attack)
Example Usage: Bind your preferred skill to 1 and bind your preferred buff to 2, then type command: /attack 1 2
Later you can use /offattack (your client will disconnect and you can close game client and your character will attack and receive EXP on spot). You can use also /re auto to accept auto party request from other players).
/helpSummon soldiers to help your journey.
/lock [password]Block Items moving.
/unlock [password]UnBlock Items moving.
/marry [name]Marry to player.
/questDisplay available custom quests.
/participateJoin GM Event. (once have GM announced event with special command /startevent you can use the command /participate to join the GM event and you will be moved to the GM location.)
/playJoin Russian Roulette Event. Once the Russian Roulette event is announced you can use the command to join and play.
/playJoin Run and Catch Event. Once the Run and Catch event is announced you can use the command to join and play.
/playJoin Race Event. Once the Race event is announced you can use the command to join and play.
/playJoin PK Event. Once the PK event is announced you can use the command to join and play.
/setparty [password]Sets a password for your party.
/joinparty [password]Joins the party (without confirmation by the party leader to join) by using a secret password set by the party leader.
/pack [type] [quantity]Command for packing jewels. Example: /pack (soul, bless, etc) (10,20,30)
/unpack [type] [quantity]Command for unpacking jewels. Example: /unpack (soul, bless, etc)
Press ShiftShift button+ click on item on inventory to list for sell and in the same time announce it in-game with a global message to everyone.
/kingSeize throne in king of mu event (Devias 3). To learn more about the King of MU Event - click right here.
/warChallenge another guild for guild war.
/soccerChallenge guild to battle soccer.
/top rrShows Top Reset players in the server.
/top mrShows Top Master Reset players in the server.
/controlCommand used for Arka War Event.

Basics commands, Hotkeys and shortcuts​

Left Mouse Button:Move, Attack, Lean, or Sit-down options
Right Mouse Button:Use spells or skills
[Ctrl] + Mouse Button:PK Attack
F2:Dialogue toggle
F3:Toggle whispering on chat mode
F4:Adjust chatting window size
F5:Toggles MUssenger chatting window when receiving incoming message
F6:Hides MUssenger chatting window
F8:Display Ranking
F10:Display 3D Camera ON/OFF
F12:Hide MU Online game in tray
Enter:Open chatting window
D:Automatic Commands
M or /Move:Move between maps or worlds
C:Character statistics
I or V:Inventory
Q:Default shortcut key for healing items
W:Default shortcut key for mana recovery items
E:Default shortcut key for curing (antidote) items
R:Default shortcut key for healing items (mostly used for AG / complex potions)
F:Toggles MUssenger
T:Toggles Quest
U:Toggles Menu
P:Toggles Party window
A:Toggles Master skill tree window
G:Toggles Guild window
B:Toggles Gens window
H:Toggles Event timers window
J:Toggles Jewel bank
Z:Toggles Official MU Helper
X:Toggles X Shop
K:Toggles Gremory Case
N:Toggles Party and Guild Matching System
Shift + Double Right click on itemAnnounced your item for sell like /post command and posts your item for sell in Trade Window (hold SHIFT)
Hold Shift:Shows items listed for sell via Shift + Double right click.
[Ctrl] + Number:Bind Spells/Skills to #1-#9
Number #1-9:Select bound Skill/Spell
[Alt]:Display item names on the ground
[Alt] + Left Mouse Button:Individual selection of items on the ground
Spacebar:Automatic pickup of items on the ground
Print Screen:Screen capture /Take Screenshot
/move [map]Move to a map (map price)
Home:Starts Official MU Helper
End:Shows VIP Buy Menu.


;Head scratch
-_-Cross arms
GreatRaises both arms
ColdRubs arms
ComeHand gesture – beckon someone
T_TSelf explanatoryn (Cry – hand covers face)
Never“No” gesture
Wow/ GoodClap
HelloBow (greeting)
OKArm pump
RushLead your hand forward
VictoryVictory pose / kisses
DanceDance / Tango
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Feb 3, 2023
Reaction score
Infinity Coins
Update for the following commands have been released:

From now on Only VIP accounts can use commands: /offattack & /vault
Change name and Change Class
commands now require WCoins. Please keep reading below.

New command: /king is for King of Mu Event.
Info: Go Devias 3 when event announces with global message "[King of MU] The event began"
Coordinates to use /king command:
X: 205 | Y: 124
(throne devias3)
To play with your guild , your guild needs 10 Min Guild Members.
The best guild who survive and hold the throne will win the event and all members will get rewarded with 5 WCoins and 50 Goblin Points.
To learn more about the King of MU Event - click right here.

(VIP) /vaultOpen warehouse in any location. Requires: Bronze, Silver or Gold VIP.
(VIP) /ware 0-10Change warehouse / Usage of Extra Warehouse System.
(VIP) /changename [current name] [new name]Change your character name in-game. Max usage: 3 Allowed Symbols: a-zA-Z0-9_@*$[]()-.!#
Requires: Bronze, Silver or Gold VIP.
WCoins: 1,000.
(VIP) /class [type]Change your character class in-game. Types: dw,dk,elf,dl,mg,sum,rf (Example usage: /class mg)
Requires: Bronze, Silver or Gold VIP.
WCoins: 1,500.
(VIP) /spot1High Exp Spot Nixie [Level: 270]
(VIP) /spot2High Exp Spot Nixie [Level: 270]
(VIP) /spot3Hot Spot Atlans (for zen and master exp) in Abyss [Level: 400]
(VIP) /spot4Hot Multi Spot (for zen and master exp) in Grey Aida [Level: 400]
(VIP) /spot5Evomon Event Invasion Spot in Tarkan [Level: 140]
(VIP) /spot6Kalima 7 Kundun Boss Spot [Level: 350]
/quiz [answer]Answer in Quiz Event and earn wCoins & Goblin Points.
/offstoreOpen Custom Store (Offline) and stay online with items for sell while your client is closed. Requires setup of personal store first.
/evoEvolve character class.
Requires: Bronze, Silver or Gold VIP.
WCoins: 1,000.
(VIP) /reset autoReset character automatically once reach Level 400. Your character will be moved to a safezone after reset.
/kingSeize throne in king of mu event (Devias 3)
/remasterReset your character Master Skill Tree. (Your character Master Level will go back to 1 and points will be restored so you can re-add your skill tree points)
Cost: 100,000,000 💰Zen (Normal Account)
Cost: 50,000,000💰Zen (Bronze, Silver or Gold VIP Account)
/readdRe-add your character stats. (Your character stats will be restored to default starting points and you will receive all stats to Free Level Up Points so you can re-assign your character stats again)
Cost: 15,000,000 💰Zen (Normal Account)
Cost: 10,000,000💰Zen (Bronze, Silver or Gold VIP Account)
/warChallenge another guild for guild war.
/soccerChallenge guild to battle soccer.
/top rrShows Top Reset players in the server.
/top mrShows Top Master Reset players in the server.
/offattackStart Custom Attack Offline (Exp decreased to 15x for VIP and 10x for Normal accounts.) Requires setup for /attack 1 command) (VIP accounts : EXP 15x / Normal Accounts : EXP 10x. Limited time for 8 hours.)
/attack 1 2/attack <skill> <buff> (Start Custom Auto Attack)
Example Usage: Bind your preferred skill to 1 and bind your preferred buff to 2, then type command: /attack 1 2
Later you can use /offattack (your client will disconnect and you can close game client and your character will attack and receive EXP on spot). You can use also /re auto to accept auto party request from other players).
/kingCommand used for King of MU Event. To learn more about the King of MU Event - click right here.
/controlCommand used for Arka War Event.

Basics commands, Hotkeys and shortcuts​

Left Mouse Button:Move, Attack, Lean, or Sit-down options
Right Mouse Button:Use spells or skills
[Ctrl] + Mouse Button:PK Attack
F2:Dialogue toggle
F3:Toggle whispering on chat mode
F4:Adjust chatting window size
F5:Toggles MUssenger chatting window when receiving incoming message
F6:Hides MUssenger chatting window
F8:Display Ranking
F10:Display 3D Camera ON/OFF
F12:Hide MU Online game in tray
Enter:Open chatting window
D:Automatic Commands
M or /Move:Move between maps or worlds
C:Character statistics
I or V:Inventory
Q:Default shortcut key for healing items
W:Default shortcut key for mana recovery items
E:Default shortcut key for curing (antidote) items
R:Default shortcut key for healing items (mostly used for AG / complex potions)
F:Toggles MUssenger
T:Toggles Quest
U:Toggles Menu
P:Toggles Party window
A:Toggles Master skill tree window
G:Toggles Guild window
B:Toggles Gens window
H:Toggles Event timers window
J:Toggles Jewel bank
Z:Toggles Official MU Helper
X:Toggles X Shop
K:Toggles Gremory Case
N:Toggles Party and Guild Matching System
Shift + Double Right click on itemAnnounced your item for sell like /post command and posts your item for sell in Trade Window (hold SHIFT)
Hold Shift:Shows items listed for sell via Shift + Double right click.
[Ctrl] + Number:Bind Spells/Skills to #1-#9
Number #1-9:Select bound Skill/Spell
[Alt]:Display item names on the ground
[Alt] + Left Mouse Button:Individual selection of items on the ground
Spacebar:Automatic pickup of items on the ground
Print Screen:Screen capture /Take Screenshot
/move [map]Move to a map (map price)
Home:Starts Official MU Helper
End:Shows VIP Buy Menu.


;Head scratch
-_-Cross arms
GreatRaises both arms
ColdRubs arms
ComeHand gesture – beckon someone
T_TSelf explanatoryn (Cry – hand covers face)
Never“No” gesture
Wow/ GoodClap
HelloBow (greeting)
OKArm pump
RushLead your hand forward
VictoryVictory pose / kisses
DanceDance / Tango
Last edited:


Feb 3, 2023
Reaction score
Infinity Coins
Update 3/21/2023

/offattack command now works for normal accounts too, EXP decreased to 10x, for VIPs: 15x.

/offattackStart Custom Attack Offline (Exp decreased to 15x for VIP accounts and 10x for Normal accounts) Requires setup for /attack 1 command) (VIP accounts : EXP 15x / Normal Accounts : EXP 10x. Limited time for 8 hours.)
/attack 1 2/attack <skill> <buff> (Start Custom Auto Attack)
Example Usage: Bind your preferred skill to 1 and bind your preferred buff to 2, then type command: /attack 1 2
Later you can use /offattack (your client will disconnect and you can close game client and your character will attack and receive EXP on spot). You can use also /re auto to accept auto party request from other players).
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