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Game Rules, Warning & Banning Procedures InfinityMU S8 Game

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Feb 4, 2023
Reaction score
Infinity Coins
Please read the Game Rules carefully. We do not accept excuses like - I didn't know about these rules.

InfinityMU S8 Game Rules, Warning & Banning Procedures

∞ Account ∞


In order to secure your account, we advise to not have the same passwords for your in-game account and e-mail/discord/skype. Also, do not use the same password for your other accounts. The e-mail address and password you choose must be unique and reachable. Furthermore, change your account password at least once a month. For security reasons, save your account details in a real notebook, not virtual one. Remember to do not accept any suspicious links/programs from other people, even from those that you know. Last, having a licensed antivirus is recommended.


You are fully responsible for whatever happens to your account. It is your job to keep your account away from hackers, evilish younger brothers or a cat that step on your keyboard. The moment you have registered at InfinityMU, you agreed not to share your account to anyone.

Sharing accounts

You are not allowed to share your account details with other players. This is for both, our sake, and your own safety. You don't want to lose your account because of any misunderstanding, and we do not want to hear you complaining about it. Remember your account details and do not share them with anyone. Remember that the Staff Members will never ask you for your account details.

Offensive character names

The character and guild names you choose must not contain any offensive words at all. Sexual, racism or in any way discriminatory contents are not tolerated, as well as excessive swearing.

Real Money

You are not allowed to trade, give away, sell or buy accounts, items, in-game currencies and anything related to it - for real money.

Our sister server

It's strictly prohibited to trade, sell, buy or anything related to this, from InfinityMU Season 8 to our sister server InfinityMU Season 3. This can lead to temporary or permanent account ban, or even the deletion of it.

∞ Staff Members ∞

Do not ask to become one

Asking, begging or otherwise bothering us about this subject will lead to a temporary ban. Be sure not to be fooled by anyone impersonating us, asking you to become one of the Staff Members.

Bans and warnings

Breaking the Rules leads to either a warning or a ban. This decision is taken by us and is definite. You may explain your behavior in a rational way, but whining and complaining will only lead to an extended ban. You can submit a ban appeal in our forums unless you have been advertising or insulted The Staff.

Asking favours

The Staff Members are forbidden to do player's favours unless it is to fix an issue or other reason related to a problem. It's forbidden asking for items, WCoins, WCoinP, Goblin Points, stats or anything material related from the Staff Members.

Fooling and lying

Fooling or lying to the Staff members is not allowed. Providing false information such as lost items or anything else will lead to account ban.

Fake admins, impersonators

It is strictly forbidden to impersonate an Admin or Staff Members of InfinityMU. This means not only the name, but also contacting players outside of our game and forum, offering them bonuses and such. It is also the players responsibility not to fall for these tricks. We will never contact you outside of InfinityMU or inside and we will never ask for your password. Make sure you don't open any suspicious links sent to you outside or inside of the game and ignore anyone who asks for your password. InfinityMU Staff Team doesn't need your password for solving an issue on your account or giving you rewards for Events.

∞ Hacking, exploits and bugs ∞

Hacks & Exploits & Game Bugs

Using hacks (including Macros) or in any way taking advantage of bugs and exploits is strictly forbidden. Even asking for these kind of things will lead to severe punishment. Not to mention distributing hacks or teaching the exploit to others! Hacks, macros, bugs and exploits are dealt with as soon as we become aware of them. Simulating AP/AC is forbidden, you are not allowed to spam or simulate the two since they can be considered as macro usage.

Reporting bugs

If you do happen to find a bug, hack, or anything which can be abused in the game to players advantage, you must contact us! We will be most grateful for your cooperation and perhaps reward you with some game goods!


Players which were caught scamming other players in the community or even just trying will be banned!

Stats / Character Screenshots

When a Game Master is asking you to take a screenshot of your character, you will have to do it immediately and send it to that Game Master through a private message on forum or on discord with short and working links. (Edited Screenshots are going to be punished with temporary or permanent ban, depends on the reason you edited it).

∞ Castle Siege ∞

Transformation Rings/Pets

Using of all types of Transformation Rings or Pets are not allowed inside of the Castle Siege event.​
Only Elves can use Pets inside the castle. Dark Lord's can use their horse.

Guild Registrations

No one is allowed to register fake guilds in Castle Siege.

Crown / Seals

Dropping items and the activation of items like the Gate of Kalima, which block the Switches or Seal, are not allowed.
Sealing with Pets (Fenrir, Uniria & Dark Horse, etc.) is not allowed.

Ruining the Event

Ruining CS event can be done by holding Switch 1 without trying to hold Switch 2 or without trying to Seal for example. If that happens, and your Alliance gets reported, you are running a chance to be disqualified for a certain time period. Joining CS just to keep switches without even single try to keep other switch or seal at least in 10 minutes will lead to DQ (disqualification) and ban without notice. Sometimes you may be warned and if you don't follow the GM orders, then it will lead to disconnection + ban by account.

Disturbing Castle Siege

Only players of registered Guilds in Castle Siege Guilds are allowed to be in Valley of Loren during the Warfare. Any PK is forbidden if you are not part of any guild!

Required Recording in Castle Siege Event for Game Master / Sealer

All Guild Masters, who seal in CS, must record their gameplay at least in 720p quality (not required to be LIVE stream or public video, just make it "hidden" in your YT channel) and provide the Head Game Master a link with the video of your seal in a private message. It's hard to determine between an "anti-push" hack vs a visual bug move of sealers and we know also that ant-push hack really exist on paid hacks like V******. For that reason, we must implement a solution, like requiring sealers to provide a video. Every sealer has time until Monday to send the video to the Head Game Master, if they fail to do so, they will be banned temporally until they get in contact with our Head Game Master.

∞ Chat ∞


Under any circumstances do not insult, bully, flame or harass other players. Your character or account will lead to temporary or permanent ban, depending on the insulting, bullying and harassment. (You can report someone for insulting or harassing you. All you have to do is to take a full chat log from the conversation and post it in our Forum.


You are not allowed to advertise other sites and even talking about it in-game or forum. Advertising, discussing other MU servers will lead to account ban. You are not allowed to post or advertise websites with +18 adult content. If you ignore this rule, it will lead you to an account ban.

Global (/post) and Normal chats

You are not allowed to spam in the global (/post) and normal chats. Posting more than 8 messages in a minute is understandable, but 20-30 similar messages in a minute is treated with temporary character ban.

Staff or Community Disrespect

Disrespecting the community or a Staff Member just because you are in a bad mood, found a bug or have your character banned is not acceptable. Playing in bad mood is already a wrong thing to do. Do not expect forgiveness if you are caught insulting the Server or any of its Staff Members. This is valid anywhere, not just when talking directly to a Staff member. If you have any complaints about a staff member, feel free to send a private message to the administration or post new thread in Staff Report section, but be reminded that we accept only genuine proofs.

∞ In-game exping slots ∞

Summon & Mass teleport

The game offers you many good exping spots, so we want you to use that opportunity. But you are not allowed to join and summon & mass teleport other party members just to annoy them.

PKing on slots

You are not allowed to walk from spot to spot and kill exping players. Some people like to increase their kill's amount in this way but this is not a right thing to do. The exception is when the party is full but there are only 2-4 players on a spot, or when a party leader forgot to use /re auto command. In this case, for your own safety, take screenshots before you decide to kill all people on the spot.
Rules are subjected to change at any times and players are responsible to accustom to the changes.


1. Insults/Harassment/Bad Names & Spam

• Ordinary insults & Staff Disrespect:

1st time: 3 days ban by account;
2nd time: 5 days ban by account;
3rd time: 7 days ban by account ;
After the 3rd time its always: 14 days ban by account;
*Serious Staff Disrespect: 30-180 days ban by account;
Server Insult/Disrespect: 365 days ban by account + possible Forum account ban;

• Heavy insults (Family Insults, Racism):
1st time: 5 days ban by account;
2nd time: 7 days ban by account;
3rd time: 10 days ban by account;
After the 3rd time its always: 14 days ban by account;

• False Accusations towards Staff Members:
1st time: 7 days ban by account;
2nd time: 14 days ban by account;
3rd time: 21 days ban by account;
After the 3rd time its always: 30 days ban by account;
*Serious cases: 6 months ban by account + possible Forum account ban for the same period of time;

• Asking Staff for Items, PKing GM characters:
1st time: warning;
2nd time: 1 day ban by character;
3rd time: 2 days ban by character
After the 3rd time its always: 3 days ban by character;

• Ordinary insults:

1st time: 1 day ban by character + warning;
2nd time: 3 days ban by character + warning;
3rd time: 5 days ban by character + warning;
After the 3rd time its always: 7 days ban by character;

• Heavy insults (Family Insults, Internet Bullying & Constant bullying, Non-Stop Game Toxicity, Racism, Guild Insults, Server Insults & /post Insults):
1st time: 3 days ban by account + warning;
2nd time: 5 days ban by account + warning;
3rd time: 7 days ban by account + warning;
After the 3rd time its always: 14 days by account;

Offensive/Bad Character or Guild Name


 1st time and always: warning + character renamed to BadName#
If your character is part of a guild, we can't rename you.
You will be banned by character until you contact the gm who banned you, after you contact the gm you will be unbanned in order to leave the guild and your character will be renamed.
User without a guild will have his character renamed without a notice.

1st time and always: Guild disband
You will be banned by character until you contact the gm who banned you, after you contact the gm you will be unbanned in order to disband the guild.


• Flooding and Spamming via /post or normal chat:

1st time: warning;
2nd time: 1 day ban by character;
3rd time: 2 days ban by character;
After the 3rd time its always: 3 days ban by character;

2. Events

Non PvP/Big Events
• Disrupting Staff Member Event:

1st time: disqualification + DC + warning;
2nd time: 1 day ban by account + 2 days disqualification from all events;
After the 2nd time its always: 2 days ban by account + 3 days disqualification from all events;

• Disrupting Big Event
1st time: disqualification + DC + warning;
2nd time: 2 days ban by account + 4 days disqualification from all events;
After the 2nd time its always: 3 days ban by account + 6 days disqualification from all events;

PvP Events

• AFK in PvP Events:

1st time: Disqualification (1 day) + DC + warning;
2nd time: 1 day ban by character + disqualification from joining all events for 2 days;
After the 2nd time its always: 2 days ban by character + disqualification from joining all events for 3 days;

Joining the PvP Event means you are there to fight! Caught being AFK will get you disqualified from the PvP Event, and possibly banned. If you plan to go afk in the middle of the event just close the game!

• Teaming up in PvP Event or sharing a party
1st time: Disqualification (1 day) + DC + warning;
2nd time: 1 day ban by character + disqualification from joining all events for 2 days;
After the 2nd time its always: 2 days ban by character + disqualification from joining all events for 3 days;

You must attack everyone and if you are reported with video or GM caught you playing in team, you will be disqualified from the PvP Event, and possibly banned.

• Trading in PvP Event / Trade Bug Abuse
1st time: Disqualification (1 day) + DC + warning;
2nd time: 1 day ban by character + disqualification from joining all events for 2 days;
After the 2nd time its always: 2 days ban by character + disqualification from joining all events for 3 days;

If you got caught trading someone via screenshot or video, you will be disqualified from the PvP Event, and possibly banned, since there was no reason for you to trade another player during the PvP Event.

• Getting Buffs from Others/Buffer NPC/Buffing Others (during the PvP Event):
1st time: Disqualification (1 day) + DC + warning;
2nd time: 1 day ban by character + disqualification from joining all events for 2 days;
After the 2nd time its always: 2 days ban by character + disqualification from joining all events for 3 days;

You are not allowed to use Npc Buffer, get buffs from others or give buffs. Otherwise you will be disqualified from the PvP Event, and possibly banned.
Only exception is that you can use your own character class buff, for example, BK Swell Buff if you are BK, SM Mana Shield if you are SM, DL Crit Buff in case you are DL, etc.

• Player who will be caught playing after being disqualified (with different character or account) will face 7 days ban by account - if another account was involved both of his accounts will be banned (all times).

• Player, who will be caught in top 3 with other character or account if he is already in top 3, will have his rank wiped in all involved characters + disqualified from Events +7 days ban by account - if another account was involved both of his accounts will be banned (all times).

InfinityMU Staff reserves the rights to disqualify any player without any proof.

3. Hacking & Cheating, Exploiting Bugs, Scam Attempts


• Hacking & Cheating Attempts:

1st time: permanent ban on all accounts (and future ones) + HWID block.

• Undetectable Cheats
1st time: permanent ban on all accounts (and future ones) + HWID block.

1.Player banned for the first time must contact Head Game Master immediately if they wish to play.
The player must send the cheat program by uploading it to mega.nz or mediafire and provide the link to Head Game Master in our Discord or Forum.
Only after the cheat is checked and having financial support sent to InfinityMU, the player will be allowed to play with the account.
Unban will be accepted only once, in any further actions taken against the player accounts, he will not be able to donate for unban again.
Any account that will be found used by the player, before they completed the first note requirement, will be blocked permanently until he contact Head Game Master.
If the account that was used is not his, the owner of the account will have to post a ban appeal in our Forum.
If the player kept using the cheat on his other accounts it will lead to 2nd time procedure (permanent ban on all account (and future ones) + HWID block).
2. Shared accounts by players who got banned for 2nd time will lead to 365 days ban on your account.
3. Distribution of cheats will lead to permanent ban on all account (and future ones) + HWID block.

• Detectable Cheats
1st time: 14 days ban by account;
2nd time: 21 days ban by account;
3rd time: 30 days ban by account;
4th time: 60 days ban by account;
After the 4th time its always: 90 days by account;

Player that got detected for the first time with a blocked cheat will follow the same banning procedures if the cheat is known to be updated by the developer in order to bypass the anticheat again).
The player will have to contact the Head Game Master in order to continue to play, and after having financial support sent to InfinityMU, the player will be allowed to play with the account.
Unban will be accepted only once, in any further actions taken against the player's accounts, he will not be able to donate for unban again.
Any account that will be found used by the player before they completed the requirement will be blocked permanently until he contact Head Game Master.
If the account that was used is not his, the owner of the account will have to ban appeal for it to be unbanned.
If the player kept trying to use the cheat on his other accounts it will lead to 2nd time procedure.
2. Shared accounts by players who got banned for 2nd time will lead to 365 days ban on your account.
3. Distribution of cheats will lead to permanent ban on all account (and future ones) + HWID block.

• Hacking & Cheating Attempts in Castle Siege & Big PK Events:
1st time: permanent ban on all accounts (and future ones) + HWID block.

•Undetectable Cheats in Castle Siege & Big PK Events:
1st time: permanent ban on all accounts (and future ones) + HWID block.

• Auto Potion & Auto Combo (Macro Usage)
Using third party program, gaming mouse or keyboard with macro capabilities that executes potions and skills for you is strictly forbidden.
Multiclient: you must close one of your client instances if you are in a pvp situation since you can fail (QWE+chat) in chat due lag, and ban appeals with that reason won't be accepted!

1st time: 7 days ban by account;
2nd time: 14 days ban by account;
after the 2nd time its always: 21 days by account;

• Auto Potion & Auto Combo (Macro Usage) AP/AC in Castle Siege & Big PK Events:
1st time: 21 days ban by account;
2nd time: 30 days ban by account;
after the 2nd time its always: 30 days ban by account;

• Simulating AP/AC:
1st time and always: 3 days ban by account;

• Simulating AP/AC in Castle Siege & Big PK Events:
1st time and always: 5 days ban by account;

• Fake Guild Score:
1st time: warning by wiping your Guild's score ;
2nd time: guild master will be banned for 7 days by account + score wipe;
3rd time: guild master account ban for 14 days + score wipe;

• Lag Abusing:

-Creating lag intentionally to gain an advantage, such as killing players faster, is not allowed.
1st Offense (Warning): 24-hour account ban
2nd Offense: 7-day account ban
3rd Offense: 14-day account ban
4th Offense: 31-day account ban

∞ Bugs & Exploits

• Bug Abusing & Exploits:
1st time: 5 days ban by account;
2nd time: 7 days ban by account;
after the 2nd time its always: 14 days by account;

- Game Exploits and Bugs: Caught abusing any exploits and bugs, your character will be temporarily banned without warning, even your account may be banned, all depend on the seriousness of the matter.
It's forbidden to abuse any bug in-game. You can just go and report it in our Bug Report Section (because it must be private and not spread the bug to others).

Scam Attempts

Impersonating a Staff member:
1st time: 365 days ban by account;

It is strictly forbidden to impersonate an Admin or Staff Member of InfinityMU. This means not only the name, but also contacting players outside of our game and forum, offering them bonuses and such. It is also the players responsibility not to fall for these tricks. We will never contact you outside of InfinityMU or inside, and we will never ask for your password. Make sure you don't open any suspicious links sent to you outside or inside of the game and ignore anyone who ask for your password. InfinityMU Staff Team doesn't need your password for solving an issue on your account or giving you rewards for Events.

• Scam Attempts:
1st time: 7 days ban by account and if its a heavy scam your account will be banned for 365 days or permanently.
2nd time: 14 days ban by account and if its a heavy scam your account will be banned for 365 days or permanently.
3rd time: 365 days ban by account;
4th time: permanent ban by account;

• Fake reports:
1st time: 7 days ban by account & 7 days forum account ban;
2nd time: 14 days ban by account; & 14 days forum account ban;
3rd time: 30 days ban by account & 30 days forum account ban;
After the 3rd time its always: 30 days ban by account & 30 days forum account ban;

4. Advertisements

• Advertising other MU server or Hack applications in-game:
1st time: Permanent Account Ban;

• Mentioning and discussing hacks or cheat applications in-game:
1st time: 1 day ban by account + warning;
2nd time: 3 days ban by account;
3rd time: 5 days ban by account;
After 3rd time its always 5 days ban by account;

• Discussing or mentioning other active MU servers and other games in-game:
1st time: 1 day ban by account + warning;
2nd time: 3 days ban by account;
3rd time: 5 days ban by account;
After 3nd time its always 5 days ban by account;

• Mentioning and discussing non-existing servers:
1st time and always: 1 day ban by account + warning;

• Advertising MU servers and other games in Forum:
1st time: Permanent Account Ban;

• Advertising +18 adult contents In-Game (via /post / personal shop) & Forum in public:
1st time: 3 days ban by account + warning;
2nd time: 7 days ban by account + warning;
3rd time: 14 days ban by account + warning;
After 3rd time its always 21 days ban by account;

• Advertising +18 adult contents in-game (guild chat, PM) & Forum in private:
1st time: 1 day ban by account + warning;
2nd time: 3 days ban by account + warning;
3rd time: 5 days ban by account + warning;
After 3rd time always 7 days ban by account;

• Mentioning +18 adult content site's name:
1st time: warning;
2nd time: 1 day ban by account + warning;
3rd time: 3 days ban by account + warning;
After 3rd time always 5 days ban by account;

5. Selling/Buying/Trading for Real Money

Buy/Sell Items for real money/load/any other currency/other game items & currency (In-Game):
1st time: 7 days ban by account + warning;
2nd time: 21 days ban by account;
3rd time: 30 days ban by account without a chance to ban appeal;
4th time: permanent ban by account;

• Selling/trading accounts from InfinityMU or any other Game (In-Game):
1st time: 6 months ban by account;
2nd time: permanent ban by account;

• Buy/Sell Items/Accounts for real money/load/any other currency/other game items & currency (over social media):
1st Time: 6 months ban by account;
2nd time: permanent ban by account;

6. Castle Siege

• Pets + Transformation Rings
1st time: DC + warning;
2nd time: 1 day ban by character;
After the 2nd time its always: 3 days ban by character;

Only Elves can use Pets inside the castle. Dark Lord's can use their horse.

• Registering fake guilds and teaming at Castle Siege:
1st time: Guild deleted + Account Blacklisted from registering to CS + Guild Master's account banned for 7 days + warning;
2nd time: Guild deleted Account Blacklisted from registering to CS + Guild Master's account banned for 14 days;
Always after 2nd time and always: Guild deleted + Account Blacklisted from registering to CS + Guild Master's account banned for 21 days;

• Disturbing Castle Siege:
1st time: DC + warning;
2nd time: 1 day ban by account;
After the 2nd time its always: 3 days ban by account;

7. In-Game Leveling Areas

• Summoning leveling up players or party members
1st time: 1 day ban by account + warning;
2nd time: 2 days ban byaccount;
After the 2nd time its always: 3 days ban by account;

PKing party members or Killing players who are leveling up is prohibited.
1st time: 3 day ban by account + warning;
2nd time: 7 days ban by account;
3rd time: 14 days ban by account;
4th time: 21 days ban by account;
After the 4th time its always: 21 days ban by account;

Note: If you're caught using another account while one of your accounts is banned for this violation, 
the current ban will be extended, and the new account will also receive the same penalty. Abusing this rule will not allow you to evade consequences.


These bans serve as reference procedures, as each GM has the authority to determine the ban duration, within the limits set forth in these procedures. However, every player has the right and duty to report GM abuses and submit a ban appeal, as Game Masters are not allowed to abuse the ban durations and must adhere to the rules. The Game Master team reserves the right to modify the ban procedures without prior notice, as deemed necessary or appropriate for punishment.

Thank you,
InfinityMU Staff Team
Last edited by a moderator:


Feb 4, 2023
Reaction score
Infinity Coins

∞ Hacking, exploits and bugs ∞

Hacks & Exploits & Game Bugs

Using hacks (including Macros) or in any way taking advantage of bugs and exploits is strictly forbidden. Even asking for these kind of things will lead to severe punishment. Not to mention distributing hacks or teaching the exploit to others! Hacks, macros, bugs and exploits are dealt with as soon as we become aware of them. Simulating AP/AC is forbidden, you are not allowed to spam or simulate the two since they can be considered as macro usage.

3. Hacking & Cheating, Exploiting Bugs, Scam Attempts

• Auto Potion & Auto Combo (Macro Usage)

Using third party program, gaming mouse or keyboard with macro capabilities that executes potions and skills for you is strictly forbidden.
Multiclient: you must close one of your client instances if you are in a pvp situation since you can fail (QWE+chat) in chat due lag, and ban appeals with that reason won't be accepted!

1st time: 7 days ban by account;
2nd time: 14 days ban by account;
after the 2nd time its always: 21 days by account;

• Auto Potion & Auto Combo (Macro Usage) AP/AC in Castle Siege & Big PK Events:

1st time: 21 days ban by account;
2nd time: 31 days ban by account;
after the 2nd time its always: 31 days ban by account;

• Simulating AP/AC:
1st time and always: 3 days ban by account;

• Simulating AP/AC in Castle Siege & Big PK Events:
1st time and always: 5 days ban by account;

Hello Infinitians!

Our Game Rules and Banning Procedures have been just updated. You are not allowed to use any kind of Macro.
Last edited:


Feb 4, 2023
Reaction score
Isla de Muerte
Infinity Coins
Character Name
Dear Infinitians!

I'm very sorry to do this, but.. with the cheating wave that we had recently in Castle Siege Event(s), we updated our rules regarding Cheating.

Think twice before cheating.


• Hacking & Cheating Attempts:

1st time: permanent ban on all accounts (and future ones) + HWID block.

• Undetectable Cheats
1st time: permanent ban on all accounts (and future ones) + HWID block.

• Hacking & Cheating Attempts in Castle Siege & Big PK Events:
1st time: permanent ban on all accounts (and future ones) + HWID block.

•Undetectable Cheats in Castle Siege & Big PK Events:
1st time: permanent ban on all accounts (and future ones) + HWID block.


Head Game Master
Mar 9, 2023
Reaction score
Infinity Coins
Character Name
Game Rules Update: 09/05/2024

Lag Abusing
(Creating lag intentionally to gain an advantage, such as killing players faster, is not allowed):
Penalty :
1st Offense (Warning): 24-hour account ban
2nd Offense: 7-day account ban
3rd Offense: 14-day account ban
4th Offense: 31-day account ban


Head Game Master
Mar 9, 2023
Reaction score
Infinity Coins
Character Name
Game Rules Update: 10/07/2024

PKing party members or Killing players who are leveling up is prohibited.

1st time: 3 day ban by account + warning;
2nd time: 7 days ban by account;
3rd time: 14 days ban by account;
4th time: 21 days ban by account;
After the 4th time its always: 21 days ban by account;

Note: If you're caught using another account while one of your accounts is banned for this violation, the current ban will be extended, and the new account will also receive the same penalty. Abusing this rule will not allow you to evade consequences.
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