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  • Users: Nikki
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  1. Nikki

    Game Suggestion Blood Castle Reward/Exp

    We’d love to hear your thoughts on potential rewards, aside from jewels. Please invite more players to join this discussion so we can gather a comprehensive overview of everyone's ideas. One reward idea I have is to offer players a bonus in BC when they win the event. A Ticket for DS, equal...
  2. Nikki

    Rules [MUST READ] Game Report rules

    Hello Infinitians! To maintain fairness and clarity within our community, please follow these guidelines when submitting any type of report. Ch.1: General Rules for Reports This chapter Evidence Validity: Evidence (screenshots / videos) must not be older than 7 day(s). The person who takes...
  3. Nikki

    Game Rules, Warning & Banning Procedures InfinityMU S8 Game

    Game Rule Update 19-12-2024: Macro rule has been removed. Macro is allowed.
  4. Nikki

    Website Update Increased Monthly Top Voters rewards

    the VIP days that you win get added to your Vip days. Example: you have 10 days gold vip you win 14 days means you got 24days vip.
  5. Nikki

    Game Suggestion Blood Castle Reward/Exp

    1: We can check about the drops in BC. 2: If some 1 wanna do BC he will stop with his training not really interrupting, (as you chose for going.) 3: Mu helper and set up to pick up the items to create BC tickets 4: Mobs drop the items you need to make the Invisibility Cloak and chaos also drops...
  6. Nikki

    Player Introduction Saint

    Welcome and enjoy your stay.
  7. Nikki

    Player Introduction Yamete

    welcome and enjoy your stay
  8. Nikki

    Player Introduction Sney

    welcome and have fun
  9. Nikki

    Player Introduction Markeloff

    Welcome and enjoy your stay
  10. Nikki

    Answered Nars mob drops

    if it's a hard server, then some changes have been made for this reason, such as removing certain items from some maps. THanks to @Delvill for the information Extra Edit; We will see if we can update the list on website...
  11. Nikki

    Question Unable to rank up errtels

    You could reply on the question that was asked...
  12. Nikki

    Player Introduction Lucifer

    Welcome and enjoy your stay.
  13. Nikki

    Player Introduction Cris

    welcome and enjoy your stay.
  14. Nikki

    Player Introduction iHateBK

    welcome and enjoy your stay
  15. Nikki

    Player Introduction GunnerBomb

    welcome and enjoy your stayy
  16. Nikki

    Staff Team Update 06/12/2024 (Delvill)

    Dear Infinitians, It’s with mixed emotions that we announce @Delvill has decided to step down from his role, as his primary focus shifts to Season 3 for now. We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to @Delvill l for his contributions and dedication to Season 8. Your efforts have made a...
  17. Nikki

    Player Introduction Mookie

    Welcome and enjoy your stay. And what ever you do, do not Follow @Daddy he will not bring you coffee :)
  18. Nikki

    Answered BAN Report Evidence/ Proofs

    The GM who issued the ban based on that evidence has been instructed not to do so in the future. They have also been advised to inform players making reports to use the official images from the MU folder. As for the rest of your concerns, this matter has been addressed internally among the...
  19. Nikki

    Player Introduction Daddy

    Hi there! I don’t think we’ve met before, I don’t remember seeing you in Season 3. Could you tell me a bit more about yourself? 😊 Welcome aboard! I’m sure you’re going to have a great time here and enjoy all the fun activities. 🎉 you is a nuv :)
  20. Nikki

    Player Introduction GiBO

    Welcome to Season 8 and enjoy your stay.