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  • Users: Haku
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Haku

    Announcement Scheduled Maintenance 20/12/2024

    Hello community. Our both servers (S3 & S8) will undergo major maintenance (technical diagnostics), which is scheduled on 20/12/2024 from 18:30 GMT +2 to 20:30 GMT +2. During this time, the servers will be offline. Downtime might be extended in case of hardware replacements. This is done due...
  2. Haku

    Website Update Increased Monthly Top Voters rewards

    Dear Infinitians. We have increased the prize rewards for the TOP 5 monthly voters, and they are as follows: 750 WCoins + 14 days Gold VIP 600 WCoins + 7 days Gold VIP 450 WCoins + 3 days Gold VIP 300 WCoins 150 WCoins And added 50 WCoins for the other 10. We might still adjust the rewards in...
  3. Haku

    Banned Account of Character EvaRa

    @Lowenlicht you may as well read THIS.
  4. Haku

    Staff Team Update 22/9/2024 (Nikki & Delvill)

    Hiya boys and gals. Today marks the day of the comeback of a legend — @Nikki xD. He will join the Head Game Master rank to help manage the Game Master Team. Also, @Delvill is coming back and re-joining as a Game Master. InfinityMU S8 Staff Team, Haku
  5. Haku

    Forum Update New Forum PWA (Progressive Web Application) function

    Hello, dear forum users. Our Forum now supports PWA (Progressive Web Application) function. You can download the Forum to your computers & smartphones via web browsers, and it will act as an actual app. A nice and convenient way to browse and use our Forum! How to Install Down below will be...
  6. Haku

    Staff Team Update 4 - 5/9/2024 (DORAEMON, Achilles, Hygienix, Trixie)

    Dear Infinitians. A few new faces have joined our team, and they are: @DORAEMON in the role of the Head Game Master, @Achilles as a Trainee Game Master and lastly @Hygienix as a Moderator. You may know them from our sister server. They have decided to help us here. Welcome here, guys...
  7. Haku

    Banned Account ngason15, marin29

    Banned according to the Game Rules & Procedures.
  8. Haku

    Staff Team Update 21/11/2023 (MrPsych0)

    I am sad to announce that @MrPsych0 has requested his own demotion from the Head Game Master position due to a lack of time and a need to focus on his real life. Good luck with everything! :sadgePray: InfinityMU S8 Staff Team, Haku
  9. Haku

    Special Event Best Halloween Pumpkin Design CONTEST 2023

    Hello friends! Since Halloween is fast approaching we are glad to present you an Event for Halloween! Best Halloween Pumpkin Design 2023 Jack-o-Lantern presents you unique forum event: Trivia: The origin of Halloween dates back at least 3,000 years to the Celtic celebration of Samhain...
  10. Haku

    Staff Team Update 25/10/2023 (Khaled & Aga)

    Hello everyone. I am happy to announce @Khaled's promotion to the Lead Moderator rank. Also @Aga will receive a chance and join the Moderator Team as a Trainee Moderator. InfinityMU S8 Staff Team, Haku
  11. Haku

    Happy Birthday Khaled <3

    💋🫲 Happy Birthday @Khaled love 🫱 💋 Enjoy your day without spanking, for now. :P
  12. Haku

    Announcement Change Class Function is Disabled

    Hello friends, Change Class functions (in the website & game VIP command) are disabled from now on. Reason being to prevent players from abusing it to change higher points class to lower points class and therefore having more points than they should have normally. InfinityMU S8 Staff Team, Haku
  13. Haku

    Announcement Changed Owners of the Castle Siege

    Hello Infintians. Since the incident in the last Castle Siege event, we have decided to give the castle to the opposing and rightful owners - Legends. I think we should all aim to have clean and fun time during this event. What's the point of even playing if you decide to cheat? You lie and...
  14. Haku

    Banned Account of Character MangBerts

    Banned according to the Game Banning Procedures.
  15. Haku

    Banned Account deck (+ temporary banned main accounts)

    It seems like a dummy account meant to seal at the very last moment of CS. His main accounts of Atsushi & SexyG1rl are banned for 30 day(s) for the same proofs as a punishment according to the Game Banning Procedures. I am very disappointed in you all for using cheats. You possibly can't have...
  16. Haku

    Information Server Unexpected Downtime (13.5.2023)

    Hello Community. Today our server has experienced an unexpected downtime due to host problems. I know, it happened in the worst time possible, but we are not responsible and cannot affect in any way. We must be patient and wait till their problems are fixed. We are sorry for the...
  17. Haku

    Staff Team Update 14/4/2023 (Khaled & Delvill)

    Hey fellas, We have 2 new Moderator in the team: Khaled & Delvill. Khaled is a Senior Moderator from our sister server and Delvill is a veteran from the old 100x. Wish them good luck and be easy on them, some things are still new to them in this new season, but they will learn in time...
  18. Haku

    Website Update Currency Convert enabled!

    Hello Community. We have enabled Currency Convert function in the website for you to use. You can now convert WCoins to GoblinP with a rate of 1 - 1.7 (fee for converting). The function is accessible from the User Page. Enjoy. :] InfinityMU S8 Staff Team, Haku
  19. Haku

    Forum Rules, Warning & Banning Procedures InfinityMU S8 Forum

    InfinityMU S8 Forum Rules, Warning & Banning Procedures 1. No Advertising, Marketing or Profiting. You will not sell anything unrelated to this site. Anyone caught will receive an automatic punishment for breaking this rule and there will be no second chances. You will not market any...
  20. Haku

    Official Poll Max MR for Extra stat points

    Hello Infinitians. In this poll we would like to ask for your opinion about the max MR which will give you extra stat points. The options are listed in the poll, if you have different suggestion, you can mention so in your post. Please vote wisely and state your reason for the vote in your...