Recent content by BlazeLord

  1. BlazeLord

    Game Suggestion Arka War

    I would like to suggest that the minimun player requeriment for this event decrease to 5 since 10 for each guild is not possible because of the low player count at the moment
  2. BlazeLord

    Player Introduction Sugbo

  3. BlazeLord

    Player Introduction DaftPunk

  4. BlazeLord

    Player Introduction Chuck

  5. BlazeLord

    Implemented PK on spots and ingame events.

    It's great to see interest in this topic, I hope the staff considers implementing this suggestion as it is beneficial for all types of players and especially for the server. - Players who do not want to interact with others while leveling could do so without a problem. - Players who want to...
  6. BlazeLord

    Game Update Lucky Coin Rewards (Delgado)

    Same thing for me, I just gave up on that too...
  7. BlazeLord

    Player Introduction HighMorale

  8. BlazeLord

    Implemented PK on spots and ingame events.

    Hello everyone. With the increase of new players and people leveling every day, it's getting harder to find a good empty spot to level, some times we are able to just merge parties and that's great! but some other times the parties are full, players are AFK for a long time or they just leave a...
  9. BlazeLord

    Player Introduction Elbereth

  10. BlazeLord

    Implemented Expand server capacity

    Good to see that, hope we can get a bigger server or make some changes to avoid it getting full for active players.
  11. BlazeLord

    Question TCA and TOL drop

    Not sure about the drop you are asking but the jewel of level do work on pentagram
  12. BlazeLord

    Game Suggestion enable /re auto by default

    Would be nice, I guess! But also keep the option to refuse request just in case we don't want to party with anyone else.
  13. BlazeLord

    Closed MG Balance // Buff (Personal Opinion)

    I would like to bump this too, thanks.
  14. BlazeLord

    Closed Blood Castle Reward/Exp

    Very nice suggestion, hope to find a good reward for all those in game events that are not being played because there are not enough incentives to join them
  15. BlazeLord

    Website Update Increased Monthly Top Voters rewards

    Ok now it's time to vote!