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Forum Rules, Warning & Banning Procedures InfinityMU S8 Forum

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Feb 3, 2023
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InfinityMU S8 Forum Rules, Warning & Banning Procedures

1. No Advertising, Marketing or Profiting.

You will not sell anything unrelated to this site. Anyone caught will receive an automatic punishment for breaking this rule and there will be no second chances. You will not market any promotions, that are not endorsed and approved by InfinityMU S8. Blatant promoting of your own website, 18+ adult content, products or services will result in the removal of the material and the possibility of being banned.
• Penalty:
- 1st = Warning on the post you committed the violation / Warning User Profile Warning (if done in ShoutBox);
- 2nd = 31 day(s) Ban in Forum;
- 3rd = Permanent Ban in Forum;

2. No Illegal Activities.

Do not talk about doing illegal activities. There are sites dedicated to this, so go there for that kind of stuff. This rule is mainly about trespassing and illegal behavior. Try and keep the talk as legal as possible, please.
• Penalty:
- 1st = Warning on the post you committed the violation / Warning User Profile Warning (if done in ShoutBox);
- 2nd = 7 day(s) Ban in Forum;
- 3rd = 14 day(s) Ban in Forum;
After 3rd ban the ban time is always 14 day(s) in Forum.

3. Spread of propaganda.

Please leave your religious / political / conspiracy theory views for your own friend circle or people that share your views in real life. This is gaming community. We do not promote anything of sort as well as we will not let it be promoted through us.
• Penalty:
- 1st = Warning on the post you committed the violation / Warning User Profile Warning (if done in ShoutBox);
- 2nd = 31 day(s) Ban in Forum;
After 2nd ban the ban time is always 31 day(s) in Forum.

4. No 18+ Adult / Harassing / Disturbing contents.

You're not allowed to post disturbing content, we could have sensitive or susceptible adults / children.
• Penalty:
- 1st = Warning on the post you committed the violation / Warning User Profile Warning (if done in ShoutBox);
- 2nd = 7 day(s) Ban in Forum;
- 3rd = 14 day(s) Ban in Forum;
After 3rd ban the ban time is always 14 day(s) in Forum.

5. Multiple Forum Accounts.

You are not allowed to have more than 1 Forum Account. If your main account gets banned and you would like to make a ban appeal, do NOT create another account, rather contact Moderators on Discord. If you are caught / having more than 1 account, you will be punished accordingly.
• Penalty:
- 1st = Banning all alt Forum Accounts permanently except main and issuing User Profile Warning to the main account;
- 2nd = Banning all alt Forum Accounts permanently including main account for 7 day(s);
- 3rd = Banning all alt Forum Accounts permanently including main account for 14 day(s);
After 3rd ban the ban time for the main account is always 21 day(s) in Forum.

*During the time your main forum account is banned, you are not allowed to make another one. If you do so, your ban time will be increased.

6. No Offensive / Bad Forum Account login credentials.

The Forum Account login credentials you choose must not contain any offensive language at all. Sexual, racist or in any way discriminatory content are not tolerated, as well as excessive swearing. If you think it might break this rule, it probably will. Don't use it.
• Penalty:
- 1st = Warning User Profile Warning + Forum Account name change;
- 2nd = Warning User Profile Warning + Forum Account name change + removal of the permission to change Forum Account name permanently;

7. Language.

Using English in all forum sections and ShoutBox is required. Applies to content you share in any form.
• Penalty:
- Always = Deletion / Edit of your message + Warning on the post you committed the violation / Warning User Profile Warning (if done in ShoutBox);

*After a certain amount of warnings, your Forum Account may get automatically restricted (*not a ban, but losing specific forum permissions such as ability to post a reply, etc for a limited time).

8. Spamming.

Please make sure that you are posting for the good of the community, not just for the sake of self-promotion. Our Moderators reserve the right to edit or delete any posts they consider to be "SPAM". The minimum post size should have atleast 10 words or have useful information on the discussed topic. In general, try and add something to the topic besides "I agree" or something like "Cool, nice video / signature / idea". Spam posts are considered posts like "Thanks for sharing!", "Cool screenshot, bro!", "Haha, LOL!". Mostly every post that can easily be replaced with using the Reactions System is a spam post.

We recommend you use the Reactions System instead of posting just that.

However, there are some exception, where you can post such messages in few forum sections and those are: Staff Updates, Castle Siege Discussions. You are free to congratulate for new staff members / Castle Siege winners.
• Penalty:
- Always = Deletion / Edit of your message + Warning on the post you committed the violation / Warning User Profile Warning (if done in ShoutBox);

*After a certain amount of warnings, your Forum Account may get automatically restricted (*not a ban, but losing specific forum permissions such as ability to post a reply, etc for a limited time).

9. Respect. No Flaming, Provocations & Insulting or Bullying.

Try to be nice to one another. This is not a place to take out your aggression. Flaming / Provocating / Insulting or Bullying other members is unacceptable. Using the private chat / mail / message function in our forum is subjected to this forum rule as well. No insulting in InfinityMU private chat functions.

Every usage of offensive words or anything related to inappropriate behaviour will be handled accordingly.
• Penalty:
- 1st to 3rd = Deletion / Edit of your message + Warning on the post you committed the violation / Warning User Profile Warning (if done in ShoutBox);
After 3rd time the ban time is always 7 day(s) in Forum / ShoutBox.

Important Note: Flaming the staff members will result in immediate 1 month(s) Forum Account Ban. The second time will result in a permanent Forum Ban.

10. Discussing illegal programs / cheats /bans.

You will not discuss anything about illegal programs / cheats /bans. Simulating AP / AC / Macro similar to "qweQW^EQ^WE" is also forbidden.
• Penalty:
- 1st to 3rd = Deletion / Edit of your message + Warning on the post you committed the violation / Warning User Profile Warning (if done in ShoutBox);
After 3rd time the ban time is always 3 day(s) in Forum / ShoutBox.

11. ShoutBox.

ShoutBox is for small talk. It falls under the forum rules and the ones below:
  • You may not post in any other languages than English; (see 7. Language rule)
  • You may not spam or post any links related to Market Place or BTA (Big Trade Assistance);
  • Asking for any questions related to MU (use the forum sections instead); (simply guide the user, no need to warn)
  • You may not spam or post any links related to recruiting forum users to guilds/allies;
  • You may not spam (post 6 times in a row);
  • You may not use the following BB Codes in the chatbox: SIZE, CODE, QUOTE, VIDEO; (simply guide the user, no need to warn)
  • You may not discuss any illegal 3rd party program including Macro; (see 10. Discussing illegal programs / cheats /bans rule)
  • You may not share media links, we have a whole section to share all your stuff.
*Failing in the above ShoutBox rules is falling under the penalties of the Forum Rules.

• Penalty:
For Trading items // Recruiting members to Guilds / Alliances // Spamming Media Links // Spamming (6 Messages in a row), we have the following:
- 1nd = Warning User Profile Warning;
- 2nd = 1 day(s) Ban in Forum ;
- 3nd = 3 day(s) Ban in Forum ;
After 3rd ban the ban time is always 3 day(s) Ban in ShoutBox.

12. Fake Reports.

Fake reports will not be tolerated by any means, whatever the method. When caught, you wil be punished accordingly.
• Penalty:
- 1nd = 7 day(s) Ban in Forum + 3 day(s) Account Ban in Game;
- 2nd = 14 day(s) Ban in Forum + 7 day(s) Account Ban in Game;
After 2nd ban the ban time is always 14 day(s) in Forum + 7 day(s) Account Ban in Game.

13. Player Hosted Events.

You cannot change rules of your event while it's ongoing, unless approved by Administrators or Moderators. It is not fair to players.
• Penalty:
- 1nd = Warning on the event post you committed the violation;
- 2nd = 1 day(s) Ban in Forum + reverting rules to originally posted ones;
After 2nd ban the ban time is always 1 day(s) Ban in Forum + reverting rules to originally posted ones.

14. Cheating in Events (Game & Forum).

Cheating in events is strongly prohibited. Cheating consists also of asking for votes in Forum / Game related Event polls.
• Penalty:
- 1nd = Warning on the event post you committed the violation;
- 2nd = 3 day(s) Ban in Forum + disqualification from the event;
- 3nd = 7 day(s) Ban in Forum + disqualification from the event;
After 3rd ban the ban time is always 7 day(s) Ban in Forum + disqualification from the event.

15. Leaking Information from the Report Section.

You are not allowed to discuss or leak any content, that is used or posted inside of the Report Section. That area is confidential and all information inside of it is also considered confidential.
• Penalty:
- 1nd = 3 day(s) Ban in Forum;
- 2nd = 7 day(s) Ban in Forum;
- 3rd = 14 day(s) Ban in Forum;
After 3rd ban the ban time is always 14 day(s) Ban in Forum.

This page does not cover all the rules. If a staff member finds an unfitting behaviour, he or she will punish the forumer accordingly.
"Rules are subjected to change at any time and players are responsible to accustom to the changes."
Lead Moderator reserves the right to change or remove the user's ban depending on the given situation or the severity of the case.​

Thank you,
InfinityMU S8 Administration
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