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  1. Lowenlicht

    Game Update Summoner & BM Class PVP Balance

    Yes, it can kill any class, tank without putting too much effort :D the problem is that BM vs BM who attacks first wins, you can't have a fight for more than a second....even if you use BM tank, BM dmg win 1 sec full tank BM
  2. Lowenlicht

    Special Event Trick or Treat Event

    Trick or treat event at InfinityMu
  3. Lowenlicht

    Game Update Summoner & BM Class PVP Balance

    for all classes BM he doesn't do anywhere at all, even though he has maxi socket and pentagram Plus 18 Mr all characters use pet and all have good combo BM can't use pet and combo needs more dmg at least VS ELF,SM,AND NOW SUMONER that's what I tested
  4. Lowenlicht

    Game Update Summoner & BM Class PVP Balance

    hello 40% is a lot, don't forget his skil, which can reduce Wizardy DMG to 50%, that would mean he can easily kill a Grand Master tank. improvements would need BM AND DL DL must be fixed is 0 in pvp .for now players are using it,just to kill monsters. BM needs more dmg .. at least 20 % more
  5. Lowenlicht

    Answered Macro

    Let's hope it won't come to that T_T
  6. Lowenlicht

    Answered Is it ok for GMs to pk players and destroy statues that we prepared?

    I do not want to think ,when you lose the ^^ have to make boys more sections ^^
  7. Lowenlicht

    Guide Wings lvl 4 created

  8. Lowenlicht

    Answered Will you fix DL?

    can I participate in the :D test?
  9. Lowenlicht

    Guide Warrior Quests

    xD I thought all the winnings from the quest go into Geremony Case,then add them in invertoty I did not know that add to that OU THX
  10. Lowenlicht

    Guide Warrior Quests

    Hi.and how can we add in Muun invertory if it's closed Geremony Case?